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Neither Riches Nor Poverty (Sep 6, 2020)
Prayer Request:
[color=blue]=12.0ptPray that God will “give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread” (Prov. 30:8). I’ve been in financial crisis for a long time, and it turns me away from the Lord. Pray that the Lord will pull me out of this, raise my salary, and help me out of debt—pray this so my focus will not be on the worries of life, but on the Lord. Also, please pray that I will never be rich, but will have enough (as God defines) and be content (1 Tim. 6:6-10). Pray that God will give me the right circumstances so my focus can be fully on the Lord and on loving others, and on the Great Commission, not on the worries of life or other things. Thanks for your prayers.[/color]
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